Printing & Papercraft
Make fabulous original artworks for your home and try your hand at linoprinting, screenprinting, batik or etching at our studio in Staple Hill. Come long to a family class or drop the kids off at one of our Art Clubs during the holidays. Find more activities for children and the family on our Kids & Family Page here
lego printing
Who doesn't love Lego? Well now you can use Lego Dots to create your own artwork using inks and a printing press! This is a fantastic, playful experience that is a perfect introduction to printmaking for children and adults alike.
This experience includes all materials and you can even print your own little paper bag to take all your printwork away with you.
A gentle, inventive activity that you can settle into alongside your friends or little ones. Create individualised artwork to take away with you.
Thurs 27th March, 6pm-8pm
Thurs 10th April, 3pm-5pm & 6pm-8pm
Child £20/Adult & child £28/additional child £10

Explore Etching
Come along to a relaxed workshop at Creative Space where you can master some new skills. Learn how create artwork using a method called drypoint etching and get to grips with a traditional printing press.
In drypoint etching, a design is drawn or scratched on a plate with a sharp needle-like instrument, inked up by hand and then run through a printing press- making each print truly one-of-a-kind. £50
Friday 16th May
Linoprinting for all
​In this workshop, you will learn the delightful art of lino printing under the expert guidance of talented artist and tutor, Kate. You'll have the opportunity to create your own stunning printwork using top-quality resources and materials. No prior experience is needed, making it perfect for a fun and creative experience. The perfect opportunity to relax and take time for yourself to explore the world of printmaking. Suitable for teens from 12yrs. £35-£50
Friday 6th June
Adult & teen tickets available